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Health & Safety

On this page, you will find information about keeping our community safe and healthy-- physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Illness & COVID-19

Our Mission

SVCMS fosters human thriving by nurturing the whole child in an authentic Montessori program as a public charter school.

Our Vision

SVCMS students will become engaged humanitarians and stewards of the world who act with integrity, kindness, and wonder.

Our Academic Programs

We offer the following age-based academic programs:

The Montessori Method

We have a deep and abiding commitment to creating a truly authentic Montessori environment, meaning we believe in:

  1. Employing teachers credentialed for the level they are teaching who have the demonstrated ability and dedication to putting the key Montessori concepts into practice

  2. Offering three-year, mixed-age groupings based on Dr. Montessori’s Planes of Development (3-6, 6-9, 9-12, 12-14)

  3. Providing a full complement of essential Montessori materials in every classroom

  4. Ensuring an uninterrupted three-hour work cycle every day

  5. Fostering an atmosphere that encourages social interaction, peer teaching, and emotional development

  6. Nurturing a partnership with families

Read more about the authentic Montessori Method here.

Montessori as a Public Charter

As a charter school, we strike a thoughtful balance between authentic Montessori Methods and a standards-based environment. This balance includes:

  1. Viewing all students through the lens of Dr. Montessori’s planes of development

  2. Aligning Colorado Academic Standards to Montessori curriculum

  3. Participating in required assessments and accreditation processes

  4. Monitoring progress to inform instruction and optimize achievement of outcomes

  5. ​

Interested in joining our community and providing your child or children with an authentic Montessori public education?

Learn more about the enrollment process here.

Community Safety


Student Data Privacy

SVCMS holds student data privacy and security in high regard and takes action to ensure that our students’ data is handled securely in compliance with the Colorado Student Data Transparency and Security Act (HB 16-1423), Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), and the SVVSD Student Information Privacy and Protection Policy. SVCMS shares necessary personally identifiable information with third party platforms that are required for public schools or by the district as well carefully vetted third party programs that are specific to SVCMS. Personally identifiable information is shared via secure transfer methods that meet current industry best practices. For more information, visit the Student Data Privacy Page.



SAFE2TELL®is designed to help you anonymously report any threatening behavior that endangers you, your friends, your family, or your community. Safe2Tell® is a state-funded strategic initiative of the Colorado Department of Law, Office of the Attorney General.


Colorado Mandatory Reporting

C.R.S. section 19-3-304 sets forth statutory requirements that mandate reporting of child abuse or neglect that applies to public school officials and employees.


School employees are required to report to the following agencies:

  • Local law enforcement

  • County Department of Human Services

  • Colorado Child Abuse & Neglect Hotline (1-844-CO-4-KIDS)








If there is immediate threat to your child or others call call 911 immediately.


877-542-SAFE (7233)


Colorado Crisis Services
Text "TALK" to 38255


National Domestic Violence Hotline (NDVH)
1-800-799-SAFE (7233) 


National Sexual Assault Telephone and Online Hotline
1-800-656-HOPE (4673)


National Teen Dating Abuse Hotline


Transgender Suicide Hotline



Love is Respect


Local Resources

Mental Health Resources

Title IX Policies

Title IX is a comprehensive federal law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any federally funded education program or activity. The specific Title IX policies of SVCMS can be found here (SVCMS- AC-R-2). Reporting to the Title IX Coordinator is NOT a replacement for Mandatory Reporting. To contact the SVCMS Title IX coordinator, please email



Bullying is repeated, targeted aggression conducted by an individual (aggressor) or a group (aggressor) against other(s) (targets). It is unwarranted and purposeful written, verbal, non- verbal, electronic or physical behavior (act or gesture) that has the potential to create an intimidating, hostile or offensive educational environment.


Cyber-bullying is willful and repeated harassment and intimidation of a person through the use of digital electronics. It includes, but is not limited to: email, instant messages, text messages, and internet postings. Unwarranted contact may take place in, or occur on, social networks, chat rooms, blogs, or cell phone text.


Bullying behaviors fall into two basic categories, direct or indirect. Direct bullying behavior is more physical or verbal in nature than indirect bullying behavior. The following behaviors fit this category:

  • Punching, poking, pinching, shoving, hitting,

  • Choking, biting, or spitting

  • Ganging up or cornering

  • Calling names or insults

  • Threatening

  • Playing mean or embarrassing tricks or telling cruel jokes

  • Touching, propositioning, or assaulting in sexual ways

  • Taunting and teasing about race, religion, disabilities, or social status


Indirect bullying behavior is more emotional or passive-aggressive in nature than direct bully behavior. The following behaviors fit this category:

  • Isolating, rejecting, excluding, or blackmailing

  • Ranking or rating

  • Giving hateful looks

  • Using indecent gestures

  • Passing insulting or humiliating notes

  • Writing hateful graffiti

  • Spreading hurtful rumors or gossip

  • Manipulating peer relationships


St. Vrain Community Montessori School expects that all members of our school will treat each other with civility and respect. See resources below related to bullying prevention and interventions:


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