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Montessori Education


Montessori is a child-centered, developmental approach to education based on the groundbreaking work of Dr. Maria Montessori.


Authentic Montessori education aims to foster autonomous, competent, responsible, and adaptable citizens.


Authentic Montessori in Action

Our deep and abiding commitment to creating a truly authentic Montessori environment means we believe in:


  • Employing teachers credentialed for the level they are teaching who have the demonstrated ability and dedication to putting the key Montessori concepts into practice

  • Offering three-year, mixed-age groupings based on Dr. Montessori’s Planes of Development (3-6, 6-9, 9-12, 12-15)

  • Providing a full complement of essential Montessori materials in every classroom

  • Ensuring an uninterrupted three-hour work cycle every day

  • Fostering an atmosphere that encourages social interaction, peer teaching, and emotional development

  • Nurturing a partnership with families


    A photograph of Dr. Montessori working with young children, smiling.

    Dr. Maria Montessori in 1951. Photo courtesy of

    “Only through freedom and environmental experience is it practically possible for human development to occur.”

    – Dr. Maria Montessori

    Dr. Montessori’s Planes of Development

    Dr. Maria Montessori’s Planes of Development are a profound and hopeful lens to view human development through and one that we embrace deeply at St. Vrain Community Montessori School. Montessori considered the Planes of Development her crowning work and the foundation of the Montessori approach to education. The Planes of Development are distinct, successive six-year periods (comprised of two three-year sub-planes) in which specific learning is impelled. In each Plane, the child flourishes in a unique learning environment that meets the developmental needs of that particular age. If the needs of each Plane are met, Montessori believed four essential Independences of the mature adult would be realized.


    1. First Plane (early childhood, birth to six years) – Physical Independence is achieved, as in “I can do it for myself.”

    2. Second Plane (childhood, 6-12 years) – Intellectual Independence is achieved, as in “I can think it for myself.”

    3. Third Plane (adolescence, 12-18 years) – Emotional Independence is achieved, as in “I can stand on my own.”

    4. Fourth Plane (adulthood, 18-24 years) – Economic Independence is achieved, as in “I can provide for myself and my family.”


    If the needs of each plane are met, mature adults are prepared for their roles as fully contributing members of their community and are prepared to carry out their individual.


    Montessori Resource Library

    SVCMS has a well-stocked school resource library with a wealth of books and videos that are available to all families to borrow. 


    Further Reading on Montessori Education


    Montessori FAQs

    (from the National Center for Montessori in the Public Sector)


    Recommended Reading Lists:


    Key Montessori Organizations



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